Video: Top 10 most haunted forests in the world

Explore the eerie and paranormal happenings in the dense and mysterious forests around the world

1. Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

Known for its UFO sightings and unexplained apparitions, Hoia Baciu Forest is considered the most haunted forest in the world.

2. Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Also known as the 'Sea of Trees', Aokigahara Forest is infamous for its high rate of suicides and paranormal activities.

3. Black Forest, Germany

Black Forest, Germany

Black Forest has a history of witchcraft and paranormal activities, with many reported sightings of ghosts and demons.

4. Dering Wood, England

Dering Wood, England

Dering Wood is known for its mysterious lights and strange noises, with many people reporting encounters with supernatural beings.

5. Ballyboley Forest, Northern Ireland

Ballyboley Forest, Northern Ireland

Ballyboley Forest is considered one of the most haunted forests in Europe, with sightings of ghosts and other supernatural beings.

6. Devil's Tramping Ground, USA

Devil's Tramping Ground, USA

Located in North Carolina, Devil's Tramping Ground is believed to be a place where the devil himself comes to walk at night.

7. Jatinga Bird Suicide Point, India

Jatinga Bird Suicide Point, India

Jatinga Bird Suicide Point is known for its bizarre phenomenon where birds commit suicide by crashing into trees and buildings during certain times of the year.

8. Borgvattnet Vicarage, Sweden

Borgvattnet Vicarage, Sweden

Borgvattnet Vicarage is believed to be haunted by several ghosts, including a woman in grey and a little girl who appears in the windows.

9. The Pine Barrens, USA

The Pine Barrens, USA

The Pine Barrens is a dense forest in New Jersey, known for its legends of the Jersey Devil and other supernatural creatures.

10. The Blair Witch Project Forest, USA

The Blair Witch Project Forest, USA

The forest featured in the movie 'The Blair Witch Project' is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a witch who was executed there in the 18th century.